Uploading a Movie From Iphone Imovie to Computer

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How to Transfer iMovie Videos from iPhone to Windows PC?

You can easily transfer iMovie videos from iPhone to Windows PC. First you demand to save your iMovie videos to Camera Curlicue on your iPhone and and then connect iPhone to Windows PC. One time you accept continued your iPhone to Windows PC, observe y'all iPhone continued to computer past clicking "Beginning" carte and so "My Computer". Here, right-click your iPhone and select "Import Pictures and Videos" option. Your videos volition now saved to "My Picture" binder on your computer.

Following are the steps to Transfer iMovie Videos from iPhone to Windows PC:

  1. Open "iMovie" on your iPhone.
  2. Tap "Videos" tab.
  3. Select the videos which you want to transfer.
  4. Tap "Share" icon.
  5. Tap "Save Video" option.
  6. Your video volition now be saved to iPhone's Photographic camera Roll.
  7. Connect the iPhone to your Windows PC using USB cable that came forth with iPhone.
  8. Click "Start" menu.
  9. Select "My Computer" option.
  10. Click "iPhone" icon.
  11. Open "DCIM" folder of iPhone.
  12. Drag and drop the videos from iPhone to the Windows PC desktop.
  13. This way you can transfer iMovie videos from iPhone to Windows PC.

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Source: https://www.picbackman.com/tips-tricks/how-to-transfer-imovie-videos-from-iphone-to-windows-pc/

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